With CardCash, everyday spending has its rewards!

Blue Ridge Bank is now offering CardCash. Enroll today to earn up to 1% cash back on your qualified non-PIN debit card purchases. Earn UNLIMITED cash back annually.*

Once enrolled, you will receive a Welcome Email with your account login credentials. You will also receive a monthly eStatement and be able to track your earnings online.

Here’s how CardCash works:

Use your debit card for your everyday purchases.
Request that your purchases be run as CREDIT.
Exceed your monthly non-PIN minimum spend of $650.00.
Get up to 1% cash back on your qualified non-PIN debit card
purchases above the monthly minimum spend threshold.* CLICK HERE to
see How CardCash Earnings are Calculated.
Exceed your monthly minimum faster by paying your bills
with your debit card.

Enroll Today!

Last Name

Checking Account Number

Email Address

Re-enter Email Address

Already have a
CardCash account?
CLICK HERE to log in.

1 By submitting this form, you agree that CardCash
   may contact you by email.